Saturday, 7 February 2009

Arrested and released on charges of the last nine-Ultras Tala

by Sumitra Ong 0 comments

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A couple of 26 years, which has been brought before a court and is now released with charges, is the last of the nine-Ultras Tala "followers of the radical CF Talavera, whose detention was ordered in mid-January by the Attorney Toledo.
According to EFE confirmed subdelegation of the Government in the province of Toledo, Javier Corrochano, went this morning at the JRC Talavera de la Reina, 26, who was brought to court and testify before the judge after it has become freedom to charge as with the other eight-Ultras Tala.

Prosecution Toledo ordered the arrest of nine-Ultras Tala ", eight of whom were arrested, brought to justice and charges were released within hours because they were neighbors in Talavera de la Reina, aged 18 and 44 years.
Remaining to stop ninth individual, who resides in the province of Valencia and with the police before he spoke this morning at the surrender of Talavera de la Reina, explained Corrochano.
This last person is released from the crime of conspiracy and should arrive on the 1st and 15th of each month in the court like the rest of the detainees.

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Sumitra Ong
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